
Every time I find a new author I go searching for a website to find out if there is more coming. Especially if the books make my toes curl and my brain scramble for more.

When I was in school I went through more paper writing stories than I used on my actual school work. When I discovered a love of reading romance I was constantly at the bookstore. When I got my first ereader, I was a goner. So many story lines popping into your head and favorite genres whirling around with nameless personalities waiting for the right moment to be created into a tangible tale.

So, here is my website. Three books published and one on the way!

Much Love,



Pathetic. I write a little and it doesn’t seem to go anywhere 😦
I was rereading my reviews for my boys and so proud of them for drawing in readers as they did. I have two drafts in my queue that are collecting dust because I’m not sure where to go with them. I hate meaningless books. They need to have a good story line and good sex. I have read some books lately that have that and don’t. And believe me the ones that don’t are meh. I’m reading two series that intertwine and I only stay with them because I’m interested in how it will end. The sex is meh.  There is another series I follow (it involved sports and those always do it for me) that has great sex but the last one was kinda meh in story.
So, my lull in mediocrity continues friends. I don’t want to give you crap. I want it to be something I am truly proud of and also realistic. I would hate to write something in real time that isn’t paranormal (because that is what I’m playing with at the moment) and have people comment that it would never happen that way. 
Thanks for checking in every once and a while. My stats say somebody has.
Love Elsie.

Silence ending

I have shared with my dear husband many times that we are the most boring busy people I know. It always feels like we don’t do anything super adventurous, but we always seem to be busy.

My 9 to 5 job is at its peak right now and I found myself with some free time and inspiration. That being said I have written two little blurbs of text. Both are pretty inspiring, however, development has been the hardest thing for me lately. That and WordPress hating me, or the universe, or this whole Mercury in retrograde thing. Typing on WordPress recently has been a nightmare.


Back to blurbs.

I wrote a NSFW blurb about two weeks ago with a character named Pepper. I just haven’t gotten past the NSFW part. There isn’t anything else that Pepper wants to talk about other than sex and he doesn’t seem to want to meet anybody worth keeping at the moment.

Then there is Walker. He and his buddies have been on my mind since I was writing Harley and Teague’s story. I think I finally figured out what I want for Walker. Or should I say, he finally told me what he wanted. You all are going to meet Walker and his brother, Henn. You will also be meeting Walkers friends who are known as The Body Shots. It sounds corny, but the whole premise behind the name is corny which makes it work.


Sorry for the long silence again. Life and adulting is hard sometimes. Like right now.I want to write more, but I have an almost five year old that likes to wake at 5:30am and not go back to sleep. So this adult has to adult by turning in. Sigh.


I promise to continue on with Walker, because I sure have missed writing and talking to everyone who comments.


Love Elsie

The amount of frustration!!!,

Let me tell you a tale!

WordPress tried to break me! I use mobile devices to write. So obviously I use mobile devices to blog. Well, apparently the issue of me not blogging was because my mobile devices hated the web version of WordPress. So, I took the plunge today and downloaded the WordPress app, and voila! I can post things again!
So, I haven’t written anything. I’m sorry. I have been reading a lot, plotting a series about some college buddies and peculiar names, as well as raising my kids and working my adulting job.
But I’m still here friends. I have goals to meet and hope to have something to post about soon!
Love Elsie

Thank you!

Look at the names Cole’s Bite is surrounded by while sitting at number 6!


I am just excited. Thank you all for participating in making my writing efforts mean something.

Love Elsie


Cole’s Bite is available for pre-order! It will be released September 29th. It is being offered at $4.05 right now so head over to Bookstrand.com/Elsie-Moore to find it.  You will also be able to read the excerpts of course 🙂

Love Elsie

What draws you?

When perusing new titles what are your go to plot lines? I love sports, cooking, singing, lost loves and so many more.

I was plot outlining my next series last night and flipping through some of my favorite plots stuck in my brain. The idea has been in my head for about a year now, so the next step is story lines, characters and conflicts.  I really enjoyed writing Cole’s story because the conflict is mostly internal.  It would be nice to write more of those instead of always having an outside issue coming into the mix.

What about you?

Love Elsie

The beauty of editing ….

is that it proves no one is perfect. The editor assigned to Cole’s Bite found errors I would have been ashamed of, and I found errors I missed and she missed and we both would have been ashamed of. Is that saying all the errors were found? No. Is it saying that somebody will disagree with the way a sentence was worded? Probably.

But at least we have the knowledge that had editing not occurred people that bought Cole’s Bite would be highly irritated at the amateur mistakes this highly educated yet just getting the hang of writing books author had made.

I submitted edits and excerpts today though they weren’t due until the 16th. I don’t think this will push the release day any sooner and since Bookstrand has changed their calendar I can no longer see publication dates months in advance. So, you can do two things:

  1. Keep visiting Bookstrand.com and looking at the publication calendar as we get close to the end of September
  2. sign up at Bookstrand.com/Elsie-Moore to receive emails when my books become available for pre-order.

Thank you to all you reader folk out there that continue to buy my books and encourage me so much with your feedback and words of praise.

Love Elsie